Networking for Families
DCCA is the treasurer for Networking for Families, administering the monies received and expended.
Networking for Families is a group of social service providers who meet monthly to help improve the lives of DeKalb County's low-income citizens. The meetings consist of information sharing, discussion off issues, and an in depth agency presentation. The group meets the 4th Tuesday of every month (no meeting in December) from noon to 1:00p.m., with the annual meeting in April (at a different location and time). The meetings are located in the DeKalb County Community Outreach Building, Blank Slate Room, 2500 N. Annie Glidden Rd., DeKalb.
Mission Statement: To increase our awareness of issues facing families. ■ To encourage networking among community resources and to pass information on to families. ■ To act to improve the quality of life for families.
For more information contact the chair by clicking on their name below.
2018-2019 Executive Committee
Position Name Agency
Vice Chair